Moyao の小屋

Hi,I'm Moyaoxue

# preface:说是初探,也不是很初探吧其实,前面多多少少弄过完整的流程了,但是由于 hyperV 这玄学东西后面搞的环境一团糟,打算还是重新弄一个完整的调试方案出来,顺便记录一些基础知识
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# 夜彳亍京城

# 题目来源于 AiDai 学长、bridge 和 nova 等
# 长久不写文,感觉还是需要偶尔动动笔,不然对不起初高中语文老师
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# Preface:
# A write up in hnctf use capstone to solved the problem maze . It’s the first time I heard of it, so I am writing to this blog for later review.
# Most thing I write can be found in Official file.
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# Some reverse questions I didn’t have time to solve. (Or didn’t solve out…)
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